6.0 Attestations
📄️ Fetch Attestation List
This API call can be used to fetch Attestation list from SSM for a given user.
📄️ Fetch Attestation Details
This API call can be used to fetch Attestation details for a particular attestation from SSM.
📄️ Certify UserManager Requests
This API can be used to certify users employment status for user manager attestation.
📄️ Fetch Attestation Account Entitlement Details
This API call can be used to get the details, status, and keys for accounts and entitlements within user manager attestation.
📄️ Approve Reject Attestation Account Details
This API can be used to approve or reject accounts or entitlements for a user manager attestation.
📄️ Lock Attestation
This API can be used to lock a completed attestation, which is not locked. Once the attestation is locked using lockAttestation, no changes can be made to the attestation.