Application Owner
📄️ Fetch Account Entitlement Details
This API returns user details, account-entitlement details of a particular campaign required for certify/revoke API. If last certified actions and last certified comments are configured during campaign creation, then it is displayed in the API response.
📄️ Approve Reject Account Entitlement Details
This API is used to certify/revoke the user's access (account, entitlement). When an approve or reject action is performed for a line item in an Application Owner campaign, then only the latest comment sent through the API is retained in the comments field but all the comments (including actions) are stored in the audit trail/history.
📄️ Lock Campaign
This API is used to lock campaign after validating whether Application Owner campaign is completed or not.
📄️ Consult AppOwner Account Entitlement Details
This API consults Application Owner for Campaign at Account and Access Certification Stage in SSM.
📄️ Reassign Application Owner for Campaign
This API reassigns Entitlement Owner for Campaign in SSM.