📄️ Create Task - Remove Entitlement
Starting with Release v23.9, you can use the createtask API to create remove access tasks for inactive accounts.
📄️ Complete Single Task
This method closes a single open task in SSM - both in 'New' and 'InProgress' state.
📄️ Update Tasks
It can update certain params of a task as well as complete a task.
📄️ Discontinue Tasks
This method discontinues open tasks in SSM.
📄️ Discontinue All Pending Tasks
This API can be used to discontinue all pending tasks.
📄️ Fetch Task Details
This method returns a `list` of provisioning tasks, that correspond to a particular IT Application (e.g Microsoft Active Directory) modeled in SSM as 'Endpoint' of a 'Security System'.
📄️ Fetch Request Access Attributes
This method returns approval history details for a given 'RequestAccessKey'(provided in `requestaccesskey` parameter)
📄️ Check Task Status
This API can be used to check the task status. Response can return task status as “New/Complete/In Progress/Discontinued”.