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Create Password Policy



This API creates a password policy for your organization.

The Authorization must have a Bearer followed by a Token.

Mandatory Parameters:

  • policyname: Specify a unique name for the policy. You can include names such as ApplicationPolicy to better identify the type of policy.
  • expireafter: Specify length of time until a user password expires and must be changed. You can enter only numeric values.

Optional Parameters:

  • description: StartFragmentSpecify an optional description for the policy.

  • scope: Specify the application or user you wish to apply the policy to.

    • APPLICATION: Specify this option, if you want to assign the password policy to applications and cannot be used to validate passwords when users’ passwords are changed.
    • USER: Specify this option, if you want to assign the password policy at the user level. To change or reset user passwords in EIC, at least one password policy with USER scope must be available. This policy is invoked when a user password change or reset is initiated.
  • regex: You can specify regular expressions (regex) to define specific password patterns.

  • maxrepetedcharacters: Specify the maximum number of duplicate characters that a password can contain. For example, if you specify 2, then a password is not accepted if any character is repeated more than two times. You can set a value between 1 and 10 numeric characters.

  • minimumnumericcharacters: Specify the minimum number of numeric characters that a password must contain. For example: if you specify 3, then password should have at least 3 numbers. StartFragmentYou can set a value between 1 and 10 numeric characters.

  • minimumspecialcharacter: Specify the minimum number of special characters that a password must contain.

  • minimumalphanumericcharacters: Specify the minimum number of alphanumeric characters that a password must contain. For example, if minimum alphanumeric characters specified is 8 and if the password specified is 'john12' then the password is not accepted as it is short of two characters in this case with the configured value of 8 characters.

  • minimumuniquecharacters: Specify the minimum number of unique characters that a password must contain. Unique characters do not take into consideration duplicate characters.

  • minimumalphabetcharacters: Specify the minimum number of alphabetic characters that a password must contain.

  • minimumuppercasecharacters: Specify the minimum number of uppercase letters that a password must contain. For example, if minimum uppercase characters are specified as 2 and if password specified is John123 then the password is not accepted as only 1 Uppercase letter is specified in this case.

  • minimumlowercasecharacters: Specify minimum number of lowercase letters that a password must contain. For example, if minimum lowercase characters are specified as 2 and if password specified is JOHn123 then the password is not accepted as only 1 lowercase letter is specified in this case.

  • disallowlastpassword: Specify the frequency to prevent users from using any previous passwords whose change or reset process was initiated from EIC and not from the target applications. For example, if you specify 10, then users are allowed to reuse a password only after using 10 unique passwords. You can set a value between 1 and 25 numeric characters.

  • useblacklistdictionary: Specify YES to enable the the password blacklist dictionary. A password is rejected if its value matches a term in a dictionary that you configure.

  • blacklistedattributes: Specify the user attributes query to prevent users from using their user or account information.

  • minimumage: Specify the minimum period, in hours to limit how frequently users can change the password. For example, if you enter 2, then the user cannot change the password before 2 hours of creating the password.

  • regexdescription: Specify a custom regular expression error message if the end user password does not match the regex password policy configuration.

  • sendnotification: Specify true to send notifications to end users informing them of their upcoming password expiration. Notification emails can be sent to both user and account passwords.

  • notificationemailtemplate:

  • daystonotify: Specify the days, before user passwords expire (including service account owners) to send expiry notification email.

  • primaryidentificationattr: Specify the parameter to validate the identity of the calling user and make their details visible to the Helpdesk users.

  • secondaryidentificationattr: Specify the parameter to validate the identity of the calling user and make their details visible to the Helpdesk users.

  • resetpasswordnotification: You can send user password change or password reset notifications to end users. Specify the email template to customize the notification that the user receives.

, `minimumage`, `regexdescription`, `sendnotification`, `notificationemailtemplate`, `daystonotify`, `primaryidentificationattr`, `secondaryidentificationattr`, `resetpasswordnotification`



Path Parameters

    path stringrequired


    blacklistedattributes string
    daystonotify string
    description string
    disallowlastpassword string
    expireafter string
    maxrepetedcharacters string
    minimumage string
    minimumalphabetcharacters string
    minimumalphanumericcharacters string
    minimumlowercasecharacters string
    minimumnumericcharacters string
    minimumspecialcharacter string
    minimumuniquecharacters string
    minimumuppercasecharacters string
    notificationemailtemplate string
    policyname string
    primaryidentificationattr string[]
    regex string
    regexdescription string
    resetpasswordnotification string
    scope string
    secondaryidentificationattr string[]
    sendnotification string
    useblacklistdictionary string


Create Password Policy

Response Headers

  • Access-Control-Allow-Credentials


  • Access-Control-Allow-Origin


  • Cache-Control


  • Date


  • Expires


  • Pragma


  • Referrer-Policy


  • Server


  • Set-Cookie


  • Strict-Transport-Security


  • Transfer-Encoding


  • X-Content-Type-Options


  • X-Frame-Options


  • X-XSS-Protection



    errorcode number
    msg string